
TheManagewindowinRainmeteristheprimarymeansofcontrollingtheapplicationandskins.Itconsistsoffourmaintabs.,Usingthe!ManagebangasanactioninaskinorfromthecommandlineasaparametertoRainmeter.exe.Doesthismeanyoucanopenitviathecommandoprompt?,Right-ClicktheRainmetericonintheWindowsNotificationAreaonthetaskbarandselectManage.Usingthe!Managebangasanaction ...,Rainmeterskinsarethesolutionforthefunandcool...


The Manage window in Rainmeter is the primary means of controlling the application and skins. It consists of four main tabs.

Open the Manage Rainmeter window

Using the !Manage bang as an action in a skin or from the command line as a parameter to Rainmeter.exe. Does this mean you can open it via the commando prompt?

Opening the Rainmeter Manage Window

Right-Click the Rainmeter icon in the Windows Notification Area on the taskbar and select Manage. Using the !Manage bang as an action ...

Rainmeter Skins

Rainmeter skins are the solution for the fun and cool stuff. Customize your desktop and make it personal looks. Discover the best rainmeter widgets now! Rainmeter Themes · How to Use Rainmeter · Rainmeter Calendar · Clock

Rainmeter, desktop customization tool

Rainmeter allows you to display customizable skins on your desktop, from hardware usage meters to fully functional audio visualizers. Rainmeter Forums - Share... · Rainmeter 4.5 · Rainmeter 4.5.0 Release · Discover

Rainmeter skins working but cannot open the manage window.

You can always launch the Manage window (or execute any other bang) from the Windows Command Prompt: C:-Program Files-Rainmeter-Rainmeter.exe

Is there a Rainmeter Manager skin? Where I can see (and load) all ...

Is anyone aware of a skin that literally just lists unloaded skins, or else how to create a desktop shortcut that opens a skin?

How To Customize Your Desktop With Rainmeter

... Rainmeter. Has been a highly requested tutorial on my channel. Rainmeter is a powerful tool that allows your to add clocks, system monitors ...

Rainmeter Tutorial | Quick Beginner Guide

Tutorial for beginners on Rainmeter setup. See how to install new skins to customise your desktop with custom effects using Rainmeter in ...